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Celebrating Success at the GSF Awards 2024
On Friday 27th September, we hosted our annual award's ceremony at the prestigious BMA House in London, celebrating the success of one hundred and forty organisations from across the country who received a national Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Quality Hallmark Award in recognition of the excellent end of life care they provide.
We were delighted to be joined by Deborah Sturgeon, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Dr Karen Harrison Dening, Dementia UK, Rishi Jawaheer, Namaste Care International and Dr Emma Clare, EOL Doulas UK, with a special keynote presentation from Tommy Whitelaw, Health & Care Alliance, Scotland.
We awarded ninety eight care homes, five domiciliary care providers, eight retirement villages, twenty seven hospital wards, one primary care team and one prison healthcare team the GSF Quality Hallmark Award. We were immensley proud to have had many organisations join us who are now accredited for the 5th and 6th time! We also awarded the annual Care Home of the Year, Ward of the Year and the GSF Innovation Award.
Julie Armstrong-Wilson, Chief Operating Officer for GSF said: “Congratulations to all the organisations who have successfully achieved accreditation and received the Quality Hallmark Award this year. The standard of care and compassionate cultures that have been observed is truly inspiring, showing a commitment to ensuring people receive the right care at the right time which has a positive impact on the people cared for and their families. Listening to what matters most to each and every individual and providing care in accordance with their goals, wishes and preferences is the Gold Standard and these organisations are delivering it. Within the awards there are a number of organisations that have demonstrated their sustainability of GSF multiple times with six of the care homes achieving GSF Accreditation six times. The GSF team are so very proud of all our Award Winners; with our ageing population it is so important we enable them to live well and when the time comes deliver quality care in their final year / days of life. A huge well done to you all!”
Weald Heights, Care Home of the Year 2024
Ward B6, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley NHS Foundation Trust, Ward of the Year 2024
Nightingale House, London, GSF Innovation Award 2024
You can read further press from some of our Accredited teams here: