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About Us
The Gold Standards Framework (GSF) is the UK’s leading training provider for generalist frontline staff in caring for people in the last years of life. GSF is a practical and evidence-based end of life care improvement programme.
Our aim is to enable a ‘gold standard’ of care for everyone, with any condition, in any setting, given by any care provider, at any time in a person’s last years of life.
We want to ensure people live well before they die and die well in the place and manner of their choosing. Our vision is to ensure that every person caring for those in their final years of life is trained and accredited to GSF standards to deliver gold standard care.
For over twenty years, GSF has helped teams in all settings provide improved and proactive care, enabling people to live well until they die. Many thousands of doctors, nurses and carers have received GSF quality improvement training, and we are proud to have awarded GSF Accreditation to health and social care organisations across the country who have demonstrated that quality end of life care is embedded within their organisations. Many organisations have also gone through Re-Accreditation, receiving the GSF Platinum Award, demonstrating sustainability. The GSF Quality Hallmark Award is a kitemark for quality care.
Overview of the work of The National Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Centre CIO.
The Gold Standards Framework Centre CIO is a charitable incorporated organisation registered in England and Wales, Charity Number 1203244.