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The Coalition of Frontline Care Report.

The Coalition Report, entitled 'End of Life Care is Everyone’s Business' is directed to Government ministers, DHSC, senior policy leaders and commissioners. We speak with a united voice from health and social care in responding to the DHSC NHS Change consultation, NHS 10 year plans and proposed National Care Service. The Report includes more evidence on why change is needed, the benefits of upskilling the workforce, exemplars from Coalition members and more details of our calls to action. 

See below for the full Coalition Report and Appendix.


Read our Executive Summary & Key Asks below: 

The Coalition of Frontline Care for People Nearing the End of Life 

The Coalition of Frontline Care (CFC) for People Nearing the End of Life is a partnership of leading organisations from across health and social care, united by a desire to promote best practice in care for older people in their final years of life in all settings, by empowering the three million-strong frontline workforce. Together we represent most of the health and social care workforce who care for most people in their last years of life and the leading provider of End of Life Care (EOLC) training for frontline staff, The Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Charity. 

The current Coalition members include The Gold Standards Framework, National Care Forum, Homecare Association, Community Hospitals Association, The Associated Retirement Community Operators, Care England and British Geriatrics Society.

The Coalition sent an open letter to Ministers in Sept 23 and again in Aug 24 (see Letter to Ministers 2023), seeking investment in the frontline workforce to improve end of life care. Our three calls to action include national, system and workforce levels. We had senior level discussions with key ministers, parliamentarians, CMO and other policy leads. See the One Year Coalition Summary. We were acknowledged in the Darzi Sept 24 Report and received an invitation to contribute to the DHSC development of the NHS 10 year plan. We sought input from all Coalition Members for the development of our first Report launched on 21st November 2024.


We would like to hear from you with your response to the Coalition Report and calls to action, if you would like to join us in campaigning for investment in the frontline health and care workforce or you would like to share other examples of best practice. If you would like to respond, please do so by emailing [email protected]

Please respond by social media to this report. If you are looking to promote your support for this Coalition Report outside of social media, we are happy to provide alternative text as needed. If you have any questions please call us on 020 7789 3740. To show your support immediately please Tweet or Quote RT this link.

We value your support.