Index of /cd-content/uploads/files/Library, Tools & resources/

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File3 Grey Literature- Tabulated newspaper articles obtained via LexisNexis.pdf2013-09-24 11:24 428k
FileA Full GSF Guidance Paper on Primary Palliative care for QOF.pdf2013-09-03 15:05 385k
FileA gold standards case study.pdf2013-09-03 15:26 94k
FileA summary of all QOF2 points.pdf2013-09-03 15:06 16k
FileABC Palliative Care.pdf2013-09-03 15:44 354k
FileACP General July 2013.v21.pdf2013-07-25 15:11 173k
FileBBC Scrubbing Up article keri.pdf2013-09-03 15:55 192k
FileBMJ Editorial developing primary palliative care.pdf2013-09-03 15:46 70k
FileBrief introductory guidance paper on QOF pall care.pdf2013-09-03 15:07 171k
FileCan GSF resuscitate your business.pdf2013-09-03 16:01 347k
FileEOLC in Primary Care national snapshot - Key Findings.pdf2013-09-03 16:03 5135k
FileExamplesOfGoodPracticeResourceGuideJustInCaseBoxes.pdf2013-09-09 15:15 314k
FileGETAG GSF Acute Hospitals v1 (2).pdf2014-06-11 10:33 567k
FileGETAG GSF Community Hospitals v1.pdf2014-06-11 10:33 565k
FileGETAG GSF Primary Care Full Going for Gold Programme v1.pdf2014-06-11 10:33 569k
FileGETAG GSF Primary Care Programme Silver Foundation Level v1.pdf2014-06-11 10:33 564k
FileGoing for gold - be recognised for excellent end of life care.pdf2013-09-03 15:28 96k
FileGold Standards Framework - improving community care.pdf2013-09-03 15:30 107k
FileGolden Years Improving end of life care in Retirement Villages.pdf2022-07-20 13:18 389k
FileGSF NICE database search - Copy.pdf2013-09-24 11:18 181k
FileGSF Phase 4 ADA3_FINAL.pdf2017-01-18 13:26 1428k
FileGSF ten years on.pdf2013-09-03 16:07 710k
FileGSFAH Phase 1 Report Public Final.pdf2017-01-18 13:15 557k
FileHow to Improve Treatment in Care Homes.pdf2013-09-03 15:30 195k
FileHowToDevelopJustInCaseBoxesInALocalArea.pdf2013-09-09 15:12 22k
FileImminence of death amongst hospital patients.pdf2014-05-01 10:15 780k
FileImproving end-of-life care. A critical review..pdf2013-09-03 16:09 123k
FileLACDG GETAG Case Study GSF Care Homes v1 MSR March 2014.pdf2014-06-11 10:33 560k
FileLACDG GETAG Case Study GSF Dementia v1 MSR March 2014.pdf2014-06-11 10:33 541k
FileLACDG GETAG Case Study GSF Domicilary care v1 MSR March 2014 (2).pdf2014-06-11 10:34 557k
FileMidlothian GSFCH full report 2008.pdf2013-09-03 16:11 425k
FileNHS_Confed_Briefing_on_end_of_life_care.pdf2013-09-03 15:47 167k
FilePepsi cola aide memoire.pdf2013-09-23 14:20 128k
FilePepsicolaHPAguidancedocument.pdf2013-09-23 14:20 350k
FilePhase_2_Summary_Slides[1].pdf2013-09-23 13:44 983k
FilePoster Presentation Analysing EOLC in CH.pdf2013-09-03 15:31 375k
FilePoster Presentation Improving EOLC.pdf2013-09-03 15:32 404k
FilePrognostic Scoring Paper.pdf2013-09-03 15:14 108k
FileProgramme \'a rigorous but rewarding process\'.pdf2013-09-03 15:33 1393k
FileRaising standards for elderly people dying in care homes.pdf2013-09-03 15:34 113k
FileRCGP EOLC Charter.pdf2013-09-03 16:12 327k
FileRCGP Poster 2009.pdf2013-09-03 16:12 313k
FileSCR1.pdf2014-10-24 14:53 130k
FileSCR2.pdf2014-10-24 14:54 294k
FileSCR3 PACA Assessment.pdf2014-10-24 14:54 117k
FileSCR4 Pepsi cola.pdf2014-10-24 14:54 145k
FileSCR5 Pain assessment.pdf2014-10-24 14:54 132k
FileSCR7 Significant Event Annalysis.pdf2014-10-24 14:54 135k
FileSuggestedContentsForAJustInCaseBox.pdf2013-09-09 15:14 22k
FileSummary of GSFCH Effectiveness & Evidence - Updated by MD August 2012(1).pdf2013-09-23 13:43 843k
FileSummary of GSFCH Effectiveness & Evidence - Updated by MD August 2012.pdf2013-09-03 15:38 843k
FileTabulated account of reviewed published articles A.pdf2013-09-23 13:59 366k
FileTabulated account of reviewed published articles B.pdf2013-09-23 13:59 619k
FileThe Gold Standards Framework is pivotal to palliative care.pdf2013-09-03 15:48 858k
FileThe GSF Competency Document.pdf2013-09-03 15:39 386k
File‘Going for Gold’ GSF in Care Homes Training Programme.pdf2013-09-03 15:41 570k
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